location of water ground for service upgrade

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new jersey
What are people thoughts on where to run the water main ground for a residential 200 amp service upgrade with the main disconnect located outside. This goes back to argument with a inspector.

To the external disconnect, definitely. The interior panel is a sub-panel, and the neutral is never bonded to the EGC there.

The grounding electrodes are connected where the neutral/ground bond is made, and where the premises EGC system begins.
That connection can be made . . . in the POCO meter if it is on the house ahead of the Service Disconnect. There are choices.
Not here. While I believe the meter is the best place, especially for driven electrodes, we're not allowed because of the meter seal. That leaves the main disco enclosure.
What are people thoughts on where to run the water main ground for a residential 200 amp service upgrade with the main disconnect located outside. This goes back to argument with a inspector.

It has to go to any point between the service disconnect and the service point. The service point on an overhead service is where the drop connects to the service entrance conductors.

Welcome to the Forum. :)
It has to go to any point between the service disconnect and the service point. The service point on an overhead service is where the drop connects to the service entrance conductors.

Welcome to the Forum. :)
By custom in most locations, but it can be in other locations as specified by your particular POCO.
Thanks the responses. I took the water ground and grounds back to the disconnect located on outside of house which did not fail but was told by inspector I was wasting time and money by doing so and was not sure how to take that and go confused
Clarification: thelast place the GECs should be connected to the neutral is the main disco enclosure.

If the inspector suggested the interior panel, he/she is definitely ill-informed. Lenient, but ill-informed.
I believe that it has been considered by some that if the equipment grounding conductor between main disconnect and sub-panel is sized per bonding requirements could serve two purposes in regard to running grounding electrode conductors to from the sub-panel.
I believe the NEC cleared this up a while back and now is required to be ran as others have stated.
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