locking of covers to disconnects

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David B.

New User
Las vegas
I was told by a third party that all disconnect covers (in this case an 208 3phase 30A disconnect for a A/C condenser) in a public area must be locked at all times. I understand that safety concerns would dictate keeping them locked but is it a code ?
OSHA doesn’t mention lock and key on electrical installations until you get over 600 volts.
very few of the disconnects on the outside of buildings around here aren’t locked. Those that are are usually locked in the on position to keep hellions from turning them off. Im sure if the fire marshall saw that they would be ordered to remove them.
The 2020 address this for Article 690 installations. I expect that this language will be relocated in the 2023 code so that it applies to all disconnects of this type.
690.13 (A) Location. The PV system disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location. Where disconnecting
means of systems above 30 V are readily accessible to unqualified persons, any enclosure door or hinged cover that exposes live parts when open shall be locked or require a tool to open.
Most knife switch type of disconnects would be covered by this rule. Other types of disconnects most often have a "dead front" cover that requires the use of a tool to gain access to live parts.
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