Loking for...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm looking for a two gang switch box extension with 1/2" KO. I've done a quick search on Google and have not yet found what I'm looking for.

I need to be able to run at least 4 #12 THHN in the raceway or conduit.

The two gang box in recessed in a cinder block wall.
I'm guessing this isn't going to work:

The boxes that are there...not 1900, but gangable gem boxes or a 2 gang masonary box?


WireMold does have a two gang extension but I'm concerned about the fill capacity. Does anyone have a link to the Spec. sheet for the 500 series surface mount channel?
What I have done with wiremold is to but a 2 gang ext. and a deep 2 gang wiremold box. I would use the base of the extension and then use the deep box top.

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for because you ask for a box with 1/2 ko's then you mentioned wiremold?????
Dennis Alwon said:
... I am not sure if this is what you are looking for because you ask for a box with 1/2 ko's then you mentioned wiremold?????

I knew that WireMold had something that was 2 gang but I was not sure at first if I could get 4 #12 THHNs in the V500. I was looking for something with 1/2" KOs, not finding anything.
celtic said:
They make a 1/2" Adaptor...wiremold to thread...I believe.

Yes they do. That is what I'll be using to transition from the box at my entry point. I was originally looking for a two gang switch box extension that would accept the 1/2". I wanted to come thru the wall, LB or box and then surface surface mount some 1/2" EMT or PVC to the switch box with the extension. No luck so I think I'll go with the WireMold since I can get the number of conductors I need to fit.
I know the 5745 1-gang w-mold box has 1/2" ko's. They probably make a 2-gang with them also. It makes an easier transition to emt. We use them all the time just like Dennis said to do. You really need the catalogue. They have so much stuff available.


It does appear that Wiremold makes a fitting to go from EMT directly to any 5700 series box. Part #5791. That just may be the ticket.

Thanks to all.
1793 said:
It does appear that Wiremold makes a fitting to go from EMT directly to any 5700 series box. Part #5791. That just may be the ticket.

Thanks to all.

Here is another part you can use-- wiremold 5782A


I Like your part better 5791
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If you get totally skunked, a mouse adapter will also work - not pretty for exposed work, but usually readily available at supply houses ~ even the big box dumps.
The "mouse" is for transitioning from metal raceway to 1/2" conduit or from any steel box with 1/2" knockout.

I guess you could use it instead of an LB..depending on the application..and continue down the wall w/wiremold to the extension box.

Here's an 8 page PDF from wiremold for the 5/700 series. Starting on page 3, you'll see adaptors....V5783, V5784, V5785/5785WH, I think one of these 3 items will fit the bill.


#5791 ~ 5700 Series Box EMT Connector( on page 4) Joins 1/2" [12.7mm] EMT directly into any V5700 Series Wiremold box.
Late jump-in question: What is in the wall that requires a 2-gang extension? Is it a 4" sq. box with a 2-gang mud-ring? If so, can the ring be removed and allow use of a standard 4" sq. extension?

I guess that's more than one question, huh? :smile:
1793 said:
The two gang box in recessed in a cinder block wall.

celtic said:
The boxes that are there...not 1900, but gangable gem boxes or a 2 gang masonary box?

Got no answer....

But a late answer to Larry's late question....
Considering the box is IN the cinder block, it's probably all sorts of cemented in place :D
Hmmm... Barring 'wiremold' (I loath the word!) Giving some thought, would it not be possible to put your own KO in say a 2" 2G tile ring? Or the old fashioned 1/2G x 4S ext. ring (Simular to a 4S but made to attacth to a 1 or 2G box) with another ring/cover on that?
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