The POCO wants to put the transformer 1000' from the house? yuck
Disclaimer: My work is all industrial. I don't do residential - except mine as a DIY
Couple of questions:
Where is the service disconnect/meter? Is is out at the road - 1000' feet from the house?
Who is paying the bill on the wire? POCO or customer?
Who would be paying the bill to put in the poles?
The reason is the customer does not want to look at the overhead, they want buried?
The job is all about cost/benifit analysis.
As for wire size, consider design for maybe 3% drop at 200A. That should minimize the light blinks.
You would be looking at 240 x .03 = 7.2 volts. Total R = 7.2/200 = .036 ohms. For 2000' of wire, that is .036/2 = .018 ohms/1000.
Parallel 350CU
Tripple 350AL
Let the VD go up to 5% - that's 12 V drop, total R = .060 ohms. For 2000", that's .030 ohms/1000
parallel 4/0 (maybe 250s) CU
parallel 350AL
tripple 4/0AL
Consider a pole out at the edge of the property line with the meter and disconnect. Put a 50kva, 240/480 xfm at the pole. (25kva maybe - depending on the loading). Now you are looking at a 3% drop on 480V = 14.4V, current is 100A, total R = 14.4/100 = .14 ohms. Which gives .07 ohms/1000
parallel 2/0 - but you only need two legs, don't need a neutral
For 5% drop, that's 24V/100A/2 = .12 ohms/1000
single 3/0AL
Put another xfm at the house with a disconnect and panel.
Just have to compare the cost of the cable to the cost of the transformers.
If I were doing it (only for me, of course), I'd look for 240/600V xfm and run smaller wire yet.
Unless, I could get the POCO to give me the service at 480V. Other than they get stuck It shouldn't matter much to them. Now you have costs for a 480V disconnect/meter, small cable, and one transformer to compare against lots of fat cables.
Just some ideas.