We were just talking the other night about wire pulls and some of the tough ones. What is the longest, biggest pull you guys have pulled in? The biggest one we could come up with was 200' 4-500 MCM. I got to looking at the pull tables and 500 MCM can pull up to 12K LB's So you could actually pull a long ways. Anyhow, just curious. I can remember one pull that was done, they had just pulled it in, really long and was for a RV Park. It was a pain the neck. They got the head into the can and everybody went into the electrical room to clean up. All of a sudden the head made a jerk and it went flying back down the pipe. They all ran outside and amazingly a backhoe had pulled up and started digging totally were they told it not too. It had the conduit and burial ribbon in its teeth. Ouch.