looking for a decent company in NC or FL

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Im looking to change companies and would either like to stay in the west palm area (which im new to) or would like to relocate to charlotte north carolina. Anyone know of a GOOD company in one of the areas?
Re: looking for a decent company in NC or FL

I am going to put a temporary stop on this thread. I don?t know what you mean by your profile?s stated occupation of ?sweatshop worker.? I have read your other posted comments, and I infer that you are a member of the profession of electrical design and construction. But please be advised that this Forum is not intended to be used as a means for job seekers to make employment connections, not even within the electrical industry.

If I have mis-interpreted your intentions (or if one of the other Moderators does not agree with this stance I am taking), send me a Private Message, and I may agree to unlock this thread.

In the mean time, if anyone wishes to give you some useful employment information in the areas you describe, they will have the ability to send you a Private Message.
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