Re: Looking for input
Wouldn't that depend how those boats use the slip, or if you expect full capacity? I recall some slips in Seattle had people living on board full time.
I've got a few ideas here, but at first glance, it seems max OCD load is used for v-drop calcs in NEC FPN guidlines. Unless defined as technical-power 2001 NEC 647.4(D), or local codes enforce something similar, should we use FPN guides, expected loads, or go with ANSI C84.1-1995 guidlines?
If your shooting for 3-5% v-drop from 1999 & 2001 NEC FPN's 210-19 & 215-2, the same language is used there, "..
and where the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits.."
To me "maximum" is limited by OCD, not calculated loads that are likely modified by harmonics, or maybe some UPS equivelent for rectified/400Hz-marine loads.
NEC & ANSI codes citing voltage limits may also imply a v-drop boundary.
"The actual voltage at which a circuit operates can vary from the nominal within a range that permits satisfactory operation of equipment."
For voltage-variation limits for equipment, see ANSI C84.1-1995, Voltage Ratings for Electric Power Systems and Equipment (60 Hz). (NEC 100 "Voltage, Nominal")
A) Fluke 43B - Imbalances in Inductive Motors
if any equipment depends on multi-phase motors, industry practice may keep each phase within ~1% of average voltage, and current unbalance within 10% of average current.
This argument is based on deviations causing high unbalanced currents in stator windings, resulting in overheating and reduced motor life.
For (E)or(I) MaxDeviation= ABS(largest of Each Phase - Avg) and [ABS(MaxDeviation)/Average]*100= Percentage.
B) ShureTest 61-165
For residential voltages, Ideal's 61-165 manual states, "under load, voltage should not drop below 108vac for reliable equipment operation."
Except one referece to switch-mode power supplies, this ShureTest manual doesn't elaborate why 108vac is significant.
[ January 01, 2006, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: ramsy ]