Looking for legit Contract template

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Meriden, CT USA
Does anyone know if by joining the IEC association I would have access to contract templates to use? Or, does anyone have a suggestion on where to find a contract written up by a lawyer covering electrical contractors?
If you were to use the Turbobid product, like I talked about in your other thread, at the end of the process of putting together a bid the final product that is spit out of your computer is a very legalistic looking "contract" that requires a signature by both parties.
That said, if you were to use TB and end up with a computer generated contract, I would have a lawyer read it over and see what their thoughts are before presenting it to the contractor.

On one job that I wanted a contract for I used an online template (Rocket Lawyer.com). I think I originally googled contractor related contractual agreements, or something like that. It had a free 30-day trial and required a monthly subscription. I used it for one job, then paid for the next month then cancelled since I didn't use or need it anymore.
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Also be aware that some states have very specific requirements on what must be included in a home improvement contract. CA has a lot of specific language and things which must be included right down to the size of type/font and other consumer warnings and information. I took all of that and some sample contracts from other companies and paid our attorney to draft a model contract for our use. I have her review it every couple of years to make sure it still meets the ever changing legal requirements and keeps us protected.
edit... I just looked, I don't see it. I know it was there a few years ago. PM your email and I'll send you a couple of simple contracts I use for small projects.

I want to say there is one in the mikeholt.com resources page.

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