Looking for licensed PE in CA to review medium voltage fuse cabinet for code compliance/safety

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San Jose
We're an electrical enclosure OEM working on a live front fuse cabinet design for a power utility in California. This is a 15kVA/200A application using off the shelf medium voltage components (bushing wells, bushing inserts, fuses, etc.).

I'm looking for a licensed PE in CA that can review our design for code compliance and safety. We don't explicitly need a UL or other listing, but we do want a licensed PE to work through this with us.

If you know of an engineer or firm that would do this type of work, please advise.

Ok, got it - thank you very much. I have narrowed my search to engineers qualified to review to the NESC. Any suggestions on how to find such a person licensed in California? Any professional associations with member directories or search terms I should be using?
It's been 50 years, but when I worked for our electric utility, we had our own engineering department who did such things. You might try contacting your customer?
In this case our customer is expecting us to present a validated design without involving their side in the code compliance review, so that's unfortunately not an option. Good idea though!
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