Looking for old square 100a meter-base cover - pics

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Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
A customer has an apartment building, one cover (and the meter) has been stolen. POCO checked out the insides, and is okay if we can find a replacement. A cover from a single base will fit, too. Otherwise we have to replace the whole thing with a 2g 200a base. The cover is approx 7.5" x 7.75"

Here are pics of what we have, what we want, and what we hope to avoid having to do:

IMG_2061.JPG IMG_2065.JPG IMG_2064.JPG
What if you bought an old ring-type cover and got a local steel shop to alter it so that it matches the existing dimensions?

What if you bought an old ring-type cover and got a local steel shop to alter it so that it matches the existing dimensions?
I thought about that. (y) I could even take one in as a model for them to duplicate.

I have a POCO guy who is looking through used parts at a couple of locations for me.
My POCO friend found one!!!

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