Looking for opinions

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sparky 134

Senior Member
Joliet, IL
We supplied the light fixtures for a project. The fixtures were specified by the architect. Two fixtures were installed and quickly died so we ordered replacements.

We returned to the job Tuesday to install the fixtures and finish a few punch list items. One of the fixtures was damaged in shipment thus necesitating a return visit by us to install. I called my supply house and they want me to file a claim with the shipper. I explained that I will be charging for 3 hours of time for our return visit. The job is 1.5 hours from the shop.

I don't think I should be filing for a claim. My position is the supply house should be handling this. My supply house emailed a claim form to the office.

Opinions ?


Senior Member
sparky 134 said:
We supplied the light fixtures for a project. The fixtures were specified by the architect. Two fixtures were installed and quickly died so we ordered replacements.

That's what the mark-up is for, so you can afford all this wasted time and effort (all part of the warranty). If the owner supplied the fixtures it's his problem and when you supply the fixtures it's your problem.


Senior Member
I'd just tell the supply house next time I"m skipping them and ordering direct. The supply house sold them to you, you paid them. They are responsible.


wawireguy said:
I'd just tell the supply house next time I"m skipping them and ordering direct. The supply house sold them to you, you paid them. They are responsible.

I don't think you have ever signed a receiving ticket. If you don't note the damage then it is yours.

I always noted "No Noticeable Damage" to cover hidden damage in the middle of a pallet of fixtures.

However, most supply houses will take care of it for you if they are at all customer oriented.
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