Looking good. Huh?

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If it is corner grounded delta the grounded conductor should be marked with white or gray. They can not have a fuse in that line either.

If this is not service equipment they have an improper bond between the grounded and grounding conductor, If it is service equipment they did not need the fourth conductor and have created a parallel conductor that appears to not be same size with each parallel component.
Even if they knew little about corner grounded systems it makes you wonder just what they were thinking when they connected two wires together like that, I mean what puroses would that serve when they both end up at same place on the other end? Just a jumper to the enclosure may even be sort of acceptable if it is service equipment (and no fuse and use right color of tape:))

If it is not service equipment it is done no different than any other 3 phase 4 wire circuit, except no fuses allowed in grounded conductor.
Corner ground. 480. Should have been inspected. How many of you would pass it? The picts of general inst.all don't help either

I would not pass it.
Need proper ID of the grounded conductor + no fuse in the grounded conductor.
It's appears the paint may not have been cleaned where the ground lug lays.
One needs to know what the whitestripe conductor does on the other end. Is it apralleled with the red condcutor ?
is a corner grounded delta the only way to get a neutral from a delta?

A corner ground delta has no neutral. If there was a neutral it would be the conductor required to grounded according to 250.26.

The delta with a high leg is the only delta system that will have a neutral. It only has a high leg because of the position of the neutral in the system. Ground the mid point of any other phase and you still have same thing just on a different side of the delta.
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