Cordless crimpers are nice - but expensive. There's the whole issue of dies, which crimpers are acceptable these days, etc. On the plus side, there's one Greenlee model that also has a head for cutting ACSR.
My problem with crimpers - especially the ones that look like bolt cutters - is that sometimes you just don't have room to position the tool properly.
For economy, the bolt-cutter style can't be beat. Most have revolving dies for different size connectors. Pay real close attention to model numbers; the one on the wall at the parts house probably does not have the best selection of die sizes.
Otherwise ... ask your PoCo lineman to show you his. Around here they use a Burndy model that's not much larger than a pair of vise-grips.
Be realistic in evaluating your needs. For example, 99% of service changes are either #2 or #2-0 (00) wire. Only if you're doing industrial panel work will you regularly run into anything larger.
When I need a crimper, I borrow one from the parts house. Well - technically - I buy it, use it, and return it. No, I'm not being clever .... the parts house has two sets reserved for this very purpose. They just want some paperwork to ensure they get it back. Ask your supplier if he will do the same.