Lost drivers license

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
Without going into a lot of detail, it looks like one of my electricians will loose his driving privilages for a few months. We are a small shop and this is going to put a major strain on getting service work done. Didn't really want to hire an apprentice/chaufeur right now but that may be a necessity. This is not someone I want to loose. How have others handled this?


Senior Member
not in Colorado . they used to but any more they do not. except possibly with a vehicle interface Breathalyzer interlock but these cost a couple hundred a month for the Driver it has to be installed in there personal vehicle.

Rich Elec.

Senior Member
Did he loose his license by doing something irresponsible?
If so,
Ask him how he intends to keep his job if he can not drive.
Is is fair to hire a young electrician as an apprentice only to have him be a chauffeur?
NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
Did he loose his license by doing something irresponsible?
If so,
Ask him how he intends to keep his job if he can not drive.
Is is fair to hire a young electrician as an apprentice only to have him be a chauffeur?

I am sure he knows the problems he has created.

They will know from the get go. We have more work than we can handle at the moment & this may just open a door for a young person. I do not hire & fire on whims.

Cold Fusion

Senior Member
way north
Didn't really want to hire an apprentice/chaufeur right now but that may be a necessity. This is not someone I want to loose. How have others handled this?
I gritted my teeth and did what you are thinking. Put a laborer with him.

And kept my mouth shut. Like you said, he already had it figured out - or not. Either way, there wasn't anything I was going to say that was going to change any long term outcome.



Senior Member
Charlotte, NC
Without going into a lot of detail, it looks like one of my electricians will loose his driving privilages for a few months. We are a small shop and this is going to put a major strain on getting service work done. Didn't really want to hire an apprentice/chaufeur right now but that may be a necessity. This is not someone I want to loose. How have others handled this?

Just keep an eye on the location of the one cop in central Nebraska and he shouldn't have a problem.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
There's a place on our yearly state registrations to note any arrests.

If it is points, see if they have classes on driving to take your points down.

Right to Drive, depends on your state laws and is depending on the charge.
Be prepared for 300 - 400% insurance increase if involved with either DUI / DWI.(for two years-here)

Fight it, don't fight... either way your going to pay, most initial lawyer time is free.

Good Luck...
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Senior Member
Central Florida
I would get a new electrician in a heartbeat. I experienced your situation in my first year. Also when I worked for another contractor. The driver thing just didn't work.


Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
I had to chauffer a guy for 3 mos. for a DUI!:mad::mad:

I had to go to his house in the morning, take him and his service truck to the shop, and then get dispatched to the job. We were like Siamese twins, I went where he went.

I personally charged him $5 a day for the PIA it was for me to pick him up/drop him off everyday.


Senior Member
I would get a new electrician in a heartbeat. I experienced your situation in my first year. Also when I worked for another contractor. The driver thing just didn't work.
I think thats going over-board... Say you come across the cops on the way home from a company christmas party... :roll: And the draconian - but justified laws of DUI get you, not just affecting your driving privledge, but say - prohibit you from going out to bid jobs... Not just for making a living, but take you out of market share for both you and your employees for a long time... You wouldn't pay to have your top guy drive you around???? An apprentice drive you around? Or cab it? So what would your company do - get a new owner?

I figure make an arrangement for him to start at the job if you can... I used to have jobs where public transit was easier... All the tools at the site, no parking fees or traffic. Materials get delivered from the supply house.... Left the truck at home...

If not - an Apprenti - at work, might even make him more effective as a worker. And not just a ride to the job...


Staff member
retired electrician
And if it was a DUI he may not be able to drive for you even after he gets his license back. That happened around here to a plumbing contractor and the contractor,s insurance would not let the guy drive an insured company vehicle for a number of years after he got his license back.


Sometimes I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag
Roanoke, VA.
Sorta retired........
We have an employee right now who cannot drive a company vehicle because of tickets
(no DUI'S) but he has a valid license. Insurance company will not allow him to drive our vehicles.

brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
This may go beyond a few months into increases in your insurance rates.

Ask him what his plans are if he gets layed off? Will he offset the cost of a green helper just to drive him around? Does he have any kids of the working age.

In Virginia we have work licenses. ONly valid certain hours of the day.

One company the guys wife drove him everywhere (a superintendent)


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
Here in CA it depends, but I've seen where guys were allowed to drive for work, but they better not get caught driving after a certin hour. I would talk to your insurance company too.

Here with the city we have to give them a copy of our DMV record every few years of so. I'm not sure what they're looking for, but I'm sure there's a reason.


Senior Member
We have the sun-up sun-down license. You go before the judge and tell your story. He may give you the worker license.

Your insurance carrier may want to have a talk with you. Bring your checkbook!

Went through this already!

Cuts profit hard


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Without going into a lot of detail, it looks like one of my electricians will loose his driving privilages for a few months. We are a small shop and this is going to put a major strain on getting service work done. Didn't really want to hire an apprentice/chaufeur right now but that may be a necessity. This is not someone I want to loose. How have others handled this?

A lot depends on information you have not supplied. If after the couple months of suspension he can drive without it being an issue to your insurance company, thats a different situation than if you have to supply a driver for 3 years, or how ever long it takes for whatever he did to come off his driving record.

It sounds like you want to keep the guy on staff, and that is laudable, but it may not be practical. OTOH, his skills at what he does may make it worthwhile for you to find a way to keep him doing what it is he does that makes him valuable to you.
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