LOTO training

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I am looking for training for LOTO procedures and would like to do it through a nationally recognized institution. Any suggestions? I am located in NC. Thanks!
I am not sure what you mean by nationally recognized institution. Do you mean OSHA Training Institute? NFPA? Not sure you will find such a thing as OSHA training will be on the regulations. I would think you would want training not only on the regulations but also on the LOTO program and Electrical Safety Program that is in your organization.
Basically Ive have worked for small electrical companies that don't offer safety training. I thought as a way to better train myself I could take a course, for example LOTO procedures, that would come from a university or technical school. A place that people would know. And earn a certificate or something. Now I believe OSHA doesn't actually offer classes.
OSHA does offer classes thru the OSHA Training Institute. I know for a fact that the OSHA Training Institute in Keene, NH offers the following course. There may be similar courses offered in other OSHA Training Institutes in your OSHA region.

7115Lock-Out, Tag-Out:

Controlling Hazardous Energy to Prevent Workplace Injury

Course Description: This six-hour course provides participants with information on the importance of energy control programs, procedures, training, audits and methods for controlling hazardous energy, and the knowledge and skills required to safely perform servicing and maintenance activities.Topics include

  • The employer?s role and responsibility to develop and implement an energy control program, or lock-out/tagout (LOTO)
  • Definitions relative to OSHAs Control of Hazardous Energy Standard
  • Hazardous energy sources and energy isolation options
  • Written program requirements
  • Training guidelines for authorized and affected employees
  • How to detect hazardous conditions and implement control measures
  • The development and implementation of energy control programs, including written isolation procedures,
  • Periodic inspection of energy control procedures.
Basically Ive have worked for small electrical companies that don't offer safety training.

LOTO is the least of your worries, my friend. Take an OSHA Outreach Training for the construction industry (either a 10- or 30-hour class). Contact your nearest OSHA Training Institute Education Center https://www.osha.gov/dte/edcenters/map.html They can hook you up. You can also call your nearest OSHA area office https://www.osha.gov/html/RAmap.html and ask to speak with the compliance assistance specialist, if they have one. There's a possibility that they can get you into a class for free.
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