Loud Attic Fan

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Senior Member
Central NJ
I installed a new Broan 1600 cfm attic fan and it is very load. The fan is nailed tightly to the roof, but the fan is extremely noisy. My first instinct is to replace the fan blade, then the motor. Has anyone ever run into this before?

Does it sound like fan-blade noise or out-of-balance vibration? You may simply have a bent fan blade, and you might be able to get it back in line with the others.
We have had these where it seems like the motor is maybe twisted a little bit. So we just tweek the motor a little and it goes away
I installed a new Broan 1600 cfm attic fan and it is very load. The fan is nailed tightly to the roof, but the fan is extremely noisy. My first instinct is to replace the fan blade, then the motor. Has anyone ever run into this before?

The mechanical supply store carries isolation pads.
Frankly. I can't beleive they didn't say to use an isolation pad at each bolt, and how did you attach it ? Did you use a dual bolt of just, send it in one way?

I would also study the blades before some alignment ~ (from the side) spin and watch the inside and then the outside limits of the spin)

The device should have stated the sonic scale, large fans are just that, large noise but here's a cool site on the overview of having a large fan, and don't use WD-40!
Exhaust Fan Stealth & Care

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cadpoint said:
The mechanical supply store carries isolation pads.
Frankly. I can't beleive they didn't say to use an isolation pad at each bolt, and how did you attach it ? Did you use a dual bolt of just, send it in one way?

I would also study the blades before some alignment ~ (from the side) spin and watch the inside and then the outside limits of the spin)

The device should have stated the sonic scale, large fans are just that, large noise but here's a cool site on the overview of having a large fan, and don't use WD-40!
Exhaust Fan Stealth & Care

I have to agree. I usually see air handlers in attics hung from the rafters with thread rod. Im sure they do this for a reason. Mounting a big fan directly to wood joist might be asking for trouble.
take the blade off and run it, if it's quiet then the blade is hitting something or something is interfereing with it.
Sparky555 said:
It's moving 1600 cfm. It's going to be loud.


I installed the same fan for his next door neighbor. His neighbor's fan is quiet. This fan is new. I cut the hole, nailed the fan and connected the electric. I've done about 10 of these this summer (not all 1600 cfm) and none have been this loud.

The fan is definitely not hitting the screen.
Loud Attic Fan

Had a loud fan a few weeks ago
Screwed to rafters as always
Took the fan off the rafters, ran quit
Put back loud
Found out that the carpenters when installing factory made rafters didn't tie them into the walls, which made the vibration and loud noise
Had the carpenters go back and tie the rafters into wall plates and the noise quit
Semper Fi Buddy
frank_n said:
I installed the same fan for his next door neighbor. His neighbor's fan is quiet. This fan is new. I cut the hole, nailed the fan and connected the electric. I've done about 10 of these this summer (not all 1600 cfm) and none have been this loud.

The fan is definitely not hitting the screen.

Bring it back and get a new one.
Replaced my roof fan motor earlier this year because last summer it was so noisy, it could be heard almost anywhere in the house. It still can be heard outside if it's quiet.

I've had a racoon, I think rip the screening and bend the fan blades too a couple of years back which causes vibrations.
Brady Electric said:
Found out that the carpenters when installing factory made rafters didn't tie them into the walls, which made the vibration and loud noise
Had the carpenters go back and tie the rafters into wall plates and the noise quit
Semper Fi Buddy

Good thing that you caught that.
A big wind could have lifted the roof off the house.
It's funny...these carpenters with their nail guns.
They always put way too many nails in spots that they can reach easily, and never enough nails where it's hard to reach.

"What....Nail that?"
"I cant reach it with this nailer"
"Use a hammer"?....
"You've got to be kidding"

hillbilly said:
"What....Nail that?"
"I cant reach it with this nailer"
"Use a hammer"?....
"You've got to be kidding"
To a carpenter, a nailer vs. a hammer is like an electric screwdriver vs. a 6-way to us.

Personally (and OT), I think that a palm nailer is one of the greatest tools ever invented.
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