low hanging expossed buld light fixture in attic

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I do a/c work for a health care facility. In the attic of one of our buildings I have to access numerous a/c units walking a a?gang way made from three 2X6 side by side. At one unit I must step over duct work laying across the gang way, at the same time stooping over so my head will dodge a low mounted 4ft exposed twin bulb florescent lighting fixture. At another unit a similar situation but without the duct work. I have reported this as unsafe but was told differently. Can someone tell me if there is a NEC code and what is it that addresses this situation? Surely there is a requirement that the bulbs should be protected from contact with my head.


Senior Member
Re: low hanging expossed buld light fixture in attic

I've run into this problem before too.Some A/C guy comes along and runs his ductwork right over the walkway and you have to climb over it. Thank goodness the EC installed a light fixture to light up the hazardous walkway. :D
Re: low hanging expossed buld light fixture in attic

I appreciate the light but what will be the consequences of a sweaty forehead breaking those energized bulbs. The jerk of an installer of the duct could have run the duct under the walkway. There is at least 10 feet of free space below the walkway before the top side of the conditioned space ceiling.


Senior Member
Re: low hanging expossed buld light fixture in attic

that would have been too much trouble for the mech contractor. he put the duct there after the light was already in, that place was the easiest to work because the light was there.

we're supposed to be more conscious than joe homeowner. no code broken that i know of.



Senior Member
Re: low hanging expossed buld light fixture in attic

Sweaty or not, you won't likely get a shock off of a breaking floursesent lamp. However, picking the shards of galss out of your forehead is not fun. :roll:
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