Low Powerfactor

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Senior Member
The Dance hall on our college campus has a 58 percent powerfactor. The powerfactor is around 86 percent untill I start turning on the florescent lights. Does anyone have any Ideas on correcting this.
If it's not causing problems, and the POCO isn't penalizing you for the low PF, nothing. :cool:
I agree with Brian John, retro-fit those ballasts. With a power factor that bad, they are costing you way more to operate than they need to. If the lights are rarely used and your not being penalized for PF, then you might want to leave well enough alone. Also, check with your local power provider, many of them have a rebate program in place that will pay for a good portion of an energy efficiency effort such as lighting retro-fits.
I can think on two sources for this issue:
1. Malfunctioning capacitors in the fixtures
2. Too high harmonic level

If 1 - check if you have capacitors and measure their consumption.
If 2 - if you have central power factor correction system, try to disconnect it and see how it affects the harmonic level.

The implications are reduced efficiency. The amount of losses and the ROI on retro-fit (which will not help in case of 2) depends on the utility charges and the wiring cutouts and lengths.
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