Low profile evaporator coil

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
In commercial setting I have something called low profile evaporator coil inside the walkin in freezer. I was wondering if one needs receptacle maintenance purpose and also can one place receptalce inside the walk in freezer?
Receptacle location requirements are in Section 210.52 thru 210.64, try looking there. This section tells where they are required and 210.8 list the locations that require GFCI protection.
Ok but has anyone placed 120V 15A or 20A receptacle inside walkin freezer?

We never have, is the evap coil on the inside? We're used to seeing the blower on the inside and the other equipment on the outside.
You only need a service receptacle within 25 feet of the condensing unit. That would be the unit outside of the walk-in that's fed from your disconnect. That's normally where all maintenance takes place.

210.63 --Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Outlet.

440.1 scope many will claim that since this evaporator unit doesn't contain a hermetic compressor is not a 440 application but rather a 422 application.

I think they maybe could use a little more clarification as to what they intend though as if this were the inside unit of a heat pump system that may be called heating equipment.

I think the intent is that HVAC tech's need to have a 120 volt receptacle in vicinity wherever they connect charging, reclaim, vaccum equipment, and that is usually near where the compressor of those systems is located. That is about the only routine procedure that usually requires a 120 volt powered tool to perform the procedure.

But that said it still kind of goes against 90.1 and is a design specification to a certain extent and should maybe be a design decision instead of a code requirement:huh:
putting a receptacle in the freezer isn't that much different than putting one outside in a place that gets really cold in the winter. They will work in cold conditions.
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