Low Voltage Breaker Sensor/Plug and Trip Unit settings


Electrical Engineer
I am replacing an old low voltage switchgear with a new one. I have two existing loads that need to be fed from the new switchgear.
One of my loads is about 250ft away and is fed by one-3C-350MCM cable. I plan to use the existing cabe. My breaker that will be feeding it is 800A with a 600A sensor/plug. Do I need to switch the sensor or can I set the Digitrip 1150 trip unit to 300A so that I am protecting the cable and leave the sensor/plug as 600A?

Another existing load has a main breaker set to trip at 200A. It is a load that needs to be moved to the new switchgear. The load is a 1000 ft away and since it only needs to provide 200A, I sized the cable as 1-3C/500MCM. The feeder breaker in the new switchgear is 800A with a 600A plug. Is this acceptable if I change the trip settings on the digitrip to trip at 200A?