Low Voltage IR Test Result


Saudi Arabia
Dear All,
Seeking your opinion on the below Insulation Resistance Test result for the Low Voltage cables.
Each Motor supply cables has 2runs of 3C x 120mm2 with approximate distance of 120meters.

1. Based on the IR results, are the cable acceptable to be Re-Used?
2. For motor C, what could be the reasons why it has less reading compare to other 3 motors?

MotorVolt/Phase/CyclePhase A to Phase BPhase A to Phase CPhase B to Phase CPhase A to GroundPhase B to GroundPhase C to Ground
A460V/3/60Hz38.6 GΩ36.8 GΩ44.3 GΩ22.4 GΩ22.7 GΩ23.9 GΩ
B460V/3/60Hz38.1 GΩ42.2 GΩ38.4 GΩ22.3 GΩ23.1 GΩ22.8 GΩ
C460V/3/60Hz9.9 GΩ13.7 GΩ10.88 GΩ6.23 GΩ5.9 GΩ8.81 GΩ
D460V/3/60Hz35.5 GΩ40.5 GΩ43.6 GΩ21.2 GΩ21.4 GΩ22.9 GΩ

Thank you in advance