low voltage

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New member
A customer wanted me to run a phone wire and the transformer secondary wires under carpet to a conference room table. The transformer has a secondary voltage of about 20 volts DC. I have not been able to find anything in the code book to show that this would be a volation. If you can help me find something in the code book to prove if it is a volation, I would be thankful


Senior Member
Re: low voltage

This is where you take off your contractor hat and put on your salesman hat. There are a lot better ways to do this as you are aware. Talk to your customer about what happens to the carpet if they want to relocate the table or if something would happen to one of those conductors. I think it is panduit and wiremold that make the covers with a split in the back that would make this job more "acceptable" to all. Instead of going for the hard sell"its against code, but i'm not sure which one " side go for the I can do that but this or this solution would probably be better. Don't just Identify a problem. Identify the problem and several solutions, it will make your customer appreciate your services more. Which should mean more $$$$$$$$$$$$


Senior Member
Re: low voltage

There is hope yet :D

Article 800
800.1 Scope. This article covers telephone, telegraph (except radio), outside ......
800.50 Listing, Marking, and Installation if communications Wires and Cables. Communications cables and undercarpet communications wires shall be marked in accordance with table 800.50

CMUC is required for undercarpet installations.

The type of conductor you are using on the load side of the transformer has to be listed for the type of location installed in. Make sure the conductors are listed for undercarpet. As far as I know there are none listed for that purpose.

Good luck!!



Re: low voltage

Section 800 in 99 code was worded differently from 2002 code.2002 added that phone lines(since they have the potential of over 50 volts) must be installed in accordance with 300 4 d physical protection rules apply.
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