jamesguy10 said:
The Lowes in my area is asking customers if thier old laundry dryer is 3 or 4 prong and then when they buy a new dryer, if they answered three prong, the nice people at lowes are "helping the customer" by chopping off the 4 prong cord and putting a three prong on so they dont have to change it. This is ridiculous and upsetting. Is there someone i can call to turn them in for this?
Are the people at Lowes adapting the dryer (changing the supplied 4-wire cord to a 3-wire cord) to fit the 3-wire circuit in the customer's house? If so, and they used the neutral bonding strap within the new dryer it would allow a fault current to get back to the ocpd as per 250.140. This would make sense to me.
What I wouldn't like is if they adapted a 4-wire dryer to a 3-wire cord without bonding the neutral to the frame.
Of course, if the dryer is not intended to be dual-purpose and Lowe's was adapting the unit to something outside of its' listing/labeling or manufacturer's instructions, now there's a problem with 110.3(B).
As far as who to report a bona-fide complaint to, other than the obvious answer of the manager...I would try the Building Department of Amsterdam, NY 518 842-7961. If no satisfaction there, call Department of State Codes Division (518 474-4073) and they will put you in touch with the Regional Engineer in charge of oversight of building officials for the Amsterdam area. Try to resolve it locally first, though.