LP Gas storage bin

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Senior Member
Alexandria, VA
Business owner Electrical contractor
A service station wants to install a ice vending machine next to this rack that contains LP gas bottles. I will need to run a circuit to this location for a receptacle. The pumps, fill pipe and vents are more than 20 feet from this location.

How would you classify this location?
What is the capacity of the individual tanks?
Are the tanks filled at another location and simply stored in the rack?
The tanks are the type used for BBQ grills. A vendor picks up the empty tanks and stocks the rack with filled tanks. So, this is just a storage rack for the tanks.
Most likely not a hazardous location, however you need to determine who is the person that would classify the location and ask them. Are electrical inspectors authorized to classify the area? Most likely not, they can enforce the rules for a classification if it has been determined what that is, without that many will figure worst possible case and use that to base what the classification is. An insurance company may also have input here even if EI or fire inspector does not classify it.
I endorse kwired's answer. This is an NFPA 30 application. From NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code [2008]:
Chapter 9 Storage of Liquids in Containers — General Requirements
9.1 Scope.
9.1.1 This chapter shall apply to the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, hereinafter referred to as “liquids,” in:
(1) Drums or other containers that do not exceed 119 gal (450 L) individual capacity

9.12 Electrical Systems.
9.12.1 Electrical area classification shall not be required for liquid storage areas where all containers, intermediate bulk containers, and portable tanks are sealed and are not opened, except as provided for in 9.12.2.

Note, I didn’t include 9.12.2 since it is for indoor applications.
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