Greetings all I got a propane tank filler that seems to have had the conduit yanked up.
This is an above ground skid with a tank and a filler mounted on it, the kind a propane company just drop's off and leases a gas station.
The propane company wants the motor converted to 240V from 120 necessitating pulling out the white wire, possibly up-sizing the conductors, re-doing the seal-off's
I have never herd of re-using seal off's but the question came up, is this ever done on a re-pull is there any code / listing issues with it?
poking around the site is leading me to look at a few issues:
I thought there was a 18” depth requirement for conduit under a Class I Division 1 location but I am not finding it in the code.
300.5 column 2 states 6” to top of conduit for rigid is that all that's needed?
The dispenser 'enclosure' is about 4 X 4 X 2 FT grate cage on the front of the skid.
As per 514.3(B)(2):
18” out in all directions from the ‘dispenser enclosure’ and 4FT above ground is Class I Div 1 location Got it motor complies, have seal off's.
Class I Div 2 is 18” above ground and a sphere around it and extends 20’ around the filler?
If so it looks like there is a sign disconnect switch in my class I div 2 area.
514.11 required disconnect. The code talks about ‘Attended self service ’ And unattended self-service’ (what about full service ?)
There is an emergency “off” switch about 80 feet away that appears to power a normally closed contactor to open **during** an emergency.
Is there any code other or best practice on these emergency disconnects ? I would think they would be NC and would be wired to a key re-settable button like an e-stop?
Last question should this pump also be tied into the main emergency disconnect for the gas pumps on the building?
It appears it might be.
Its pretty far from the building across a parking lot.
Thanks in advance.
[EDIT for spelling]
This is an above ground skid with a tank and a filler mounted on it, the kind a propane company just drop's off and leases a gas station.
The propane company wants the motor converted to 240V from 120 necessitating pulling out the white wire, possibly up-sizing the conductors, re-doing the seal-off's
I have never herd of re-using seal off's but the question came up, is this ever done on a re-pull is there any code / listing issues with it?
poking around the site is leading me to look at a few issues:
I thought there was a 18” depth requirement for conduit under a Class I Division 1 location but I am not finding it in the code.
300.5 column 2 states 6” to top of conduit for rigid is that all that's needed?
The dispenser 'enclosure' is about 4 X 4 X 2 FT grate cage on the front of the skid.
As per 514.3(B)(2):
18” out in all directions from the ‘dispenser enclosure’ and 4FT above ground is Class I Div 1 location Got it motor complies, have seal off's.
Class I Div 2 is 18” above ground and a sphere around it and extends 20’ around the filler?
If so it looks like there is a sign disconnect switch in my class I div 2 area.
514.11 required disconnect. The code talks about ‘Attended self service ’ And unattended self-service’ (what about full service ?)
There is an emergency “off” switch about 80 feet away that appears to power a normally closed contactor to open **during** an emergency.
Is there any code other or best practice on these emergency disconnects ? I would think they would be NC and would be wired to a key re-settable button like an e-stop?
Last question should this pump also be tied into the main emergency disconnect for the gas pumps on the building?
It appears it might be.
Its pretty far from the building across a parking lot.
Thanks in advance.
[EDIT for spelling]
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