LPS Inspector / Installer Certification

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Senior Member
Is anyone here certified as a LPS Inspector / Installer through either the National Lightning Safety Institute or the Lightning Protection Institute?

I have researched on lightning protection system installations and general lightning issues through these two organizations however I am not a member or certified through either one.

I don't know how much value this certification would have however I am very interested in the idea.

I understand UL has the "master label" program, but I am referring to these voluntary programs.
The lightning protection industry is rapidly growing in the state of Florida. With the adoption of the 2004 FBC, there are at least 6 types of occupancies / structures that require an LPS system. I have been studying the NFPA 780 and LPI-175 for a few years now. Recently, I got a hold of the IEC-TC 81 standard for LPS, which is used by the Europeans, and I am surprised by the significant differences in philosophy and method used for LPS.

As the NLSI states, "The NFPA 780 is written by air terminal salesmen, whereas the TC 81 is written by engineers and scientists."

I am hoping to find someone else in the industry that could tell me more about the organizations and certifications.
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