LS contactors?

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I was at a vendor (new to me) today picking up a breaker. Order wasn't ready so he took me in back to show me his inventory.

When we got to the starter/contactor isle he was pushing these LS contactors as inexpensive and reliable.

Anybody using these?

I was at a vendor (new to me) today picking up a breaker. Order wasn't ready so he took me in back to show me his inventory.

When we got to the starter/contactor isle he was pushing these LS contactors as inexpensive and reliable.

Anybody using these?


is that one of the chinese brands?

a fair number of chinese made contactors are private labeled for US companies. If so, it might be the same contactor just with a different label and lower price.

I don't worry a lot about price on contactors. we get a pretty good deal on Siemens 3RT contactors and they always work and they are stocked by our distributor at their warehouse so we can get them overnight most of the time, unless I have to order a skid load, then they have to get them from the Siemens factory, which I think is in Georgia. They cost us a little more than the $11 WEG 7 Amp contactors sold by AutoMation Direct, but are a very solid contactor. I have heard some good things about the WEG contactors too. Never heard of LS before.
Made in Korea. Like yourself I don't question the price, just order what I need. The reason I ask is when we where in the refurbished breaker isle I was looking at large 480V breakers and asked him if they where Pearle certified and I quote;

I don't go that route, we test them here.

I asked;

Injection testing?

He said no

So I'm skeptical about a product he's pushing.
some of our customers are brand sensitive and others are not. what they get from us if they are not especially brand sensitive depends on many factors including laziness on the part of our sales people or engineer, or what distributor's salesman took someone out to lunch recently, or brought us donuts. :)
sometimes it is price related, but not as often as you might think.
LS = the old LG from Korea (originally named Lucky Goldstar). They changed their name about a decade ago to "LS" which means "Luckygoldstar Systems" and made their industrial group "LSIS" for Luckygoldstar Systems Industrial Systems. Let's just say, name identity crisis...

The contactors are halfway decent, especially large ones, but like most IEC contactors used in the US I found the coils to be problematic and hard to find when you are out "in the wild".

You can buy the exact same contactors as Benshaw and Cerus Industrial (Cerus is now owned by Franklin Electric, the pump people) by the way. Amusingly, they gave both of those companies "exclusive rights" to sell the LS drives and controls in North America. Apparently there is some sort of translation breakdown in the term "exclusive" going from Korean to English...
Amusingly, they gave both of those companies "exclusive rights" to sell the LS drives and controls in North America. Apparently there is some sort of translation breakdown in the term "exclusive" going from Korean to English...

"Oh, you want 'exclusive', we thought you said 'exscrewsive' so we screwed both companies."
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LS = the old LG from Korea (originally named Lucky Goldstar). They changed their name about a decade ago to "LS" which means "Luckygoldstar Systems" and made their industrial group "LSIS" for Luckygoldstar Systems Industrial Systems. Let's just say, name identity crisis...

According to Wikipedia (the highest internet authority don't ya know) LS was spun off from LG in 2003. LG still exists. Life's good! :thumbsup:
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