LV raceway and box fill

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south Florida
Could someone please tell me if low voltage wiring (24 v) is covered by the same code requirements as higher voltage 120/240 etc., when it comes to pull box fill calcs. and raceways, I would think it would not apply or at least be different considering the heat difference with LV wiring. Also if different, what tables?
Thank you
Define LV

Define LV

I pulled low voltage cables for card readers at security doors in a condo for a security co. Prewire, they supplied the cable I don't have the specs on the wire.
Look at 725.3

725.3 Other Articles. Circuits and equipment shall comply
with the articles or sections listed in 725.3(A) through
(J). Only those sections of Article 300 referenced in this
article shall apply to Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 circuits.
Could someone please tell me if low voltage wiring (24 v) is covered by the same code requirements as higher voltage 120/240 etc., when it comes to pull box fill calcs. and raceways, I would think it would not apply or at least be different considering the heat difference with LV wiring. Also if different, what tables?
Thank you

Conduit and box fill do not apply to LV cabling per the NEC. It is "recommended" only for BISCI and TIA for cable integrity.
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