Mac Mini

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Senior Member
I am ready to throw in the proverbial towel with my XP windows machine. With the onslaught of newly reported viruses making their way, constant updates etc., I'm done. After reading replies from Macmikeman and other mac users, I finally decided to check Apple out. I've always heard that they were way out of my price range. Then I talked to them about the Mini. Check out the original presentation for it (from 05).

I always heard that Mac's costed thousands. It's now obvious they are targeting window users. The big deal is the Mini can can use your regular old keyboard, monitor and mouse instead of buying/using the regular Apple components, which allows a working system to be had for only $600!.

Does anyone here use one of these? After seeing that presentation, I cant believe more people aren't using them. I've researched many computer forums looking to find complaints about this machine but found none except a few whines about the earlier (2005) machines processor speed etc. The latest machine is much more powerful. Those perceived problems are now a thing of the past.

And - I love it's size!
Most XP issues is usually not the arrow, but the Indian. You should realized it is difficult it is to build an operating system that is open enough to allow all your applications to run, but stable enough to stay running when your junk applications crash. I have have had over 7 xp machines and never installed virus protection software on any of them, and have never had a problem. If you install a lot of applications, click on pop-ups, download hack software what do you expect. They even have restore points to allow you to restore the machine when you do hose it. XP is the most stable, powerful OS out there.
There is nothing electrical industry related in this thread.
It has all the hallmarks of becoming a PC vs MAC argument, so I am stopping it now.
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