machine connection

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New member
Here in the mail processing facility that I work in, we have many pieces of mail processing equipment that were installed by the manufacturers. Most equipment has a junction box hung above it at heights varying from 8 feet - 16 feet, with SO cable connecting it to the machine (the cable is hung via a kellum grip or compression connector). My question is, is this code approved, or does the wiring have to be in conduit? Thank you in advance!! :confused:


Senior Member
Re: machine connection

Section 400.7(A) lists allowed uses for flexible cord. A cord is allowed to be used for the connection of utilization equipment to facilitate its frequent interchange. But, Section 400.7(B) requires that the cord be equipped with an attachment plug and be connected to a receptacle outlet. A cord connection to prevent the transmission of noise or vibration is also allowed, but I am not sure your installation would qualify.


big jim

Re: machine connection

Here's a thought. He says they were connected that way by the manf. reps. The box may be supplied as a part of the machine in which case, the pendant would be part of the listed machine and not part of the feed.
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