Machine Nameplate Data

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At our facility we have always had industrial equipment received with the nameplate already installed. It makes sense because how else would you know what size wire, conduit, etc. to actually hook it up to. I was questioned as to why this was the case when the code in Article 670.3 (A) mentions that it can be installed after installation. Is this just referring to the diagram number or the nameplate itself?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Machine Nameplate Data

The 2002 version of that article says that the nameplate ". . . shall be attached . . . where plainly visible after installation." The 2005 version says the nameplate ". . . shall be attached . . . and shall be plainly visible after installation."

The 2005 version makes the following point a bit more clear, but I think it is clear enough in the 2002 version. The intent is that the information be visible after installation, not that the nameplate can be attached after installation. In other words, it is not saying "the nameplate shall be attached after installation of the machine." It is saying " the nameplate shall be visible after installation of the machine."


Re: Machine Nameplate Data

Thank you, that makes it much clearer. Just didn't come to my mind on the spot.
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