Machine nameplate

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
Nameplate on a piece of equipment says 27.5 kw. 132 amps. 240 volt.

27500÷240=114.58. I know the multiplier is 1.15, but what code reference?

The equipment has electric heat for the material they spray plus a 5hp motor.

Im trying to size the disconnect & OC protection.
Ignore, 1.15 is a coincidence.

Checking the calculations of prior electrician and they came up with 2/0 to feed this equipment. They are right as far as i can tell, but the lugs on the TB are big enough for about #4s, which previous EC had reduced to in a j box. Some times I love my work. :rant::rant: Original label of machine said 175 amps. New label not yet applied says 132 amps. #4 does not equal 132 in my neck of the woods.
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