Made in USA Materials Limitations

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Doing work for Veterans Adminstration, portion of their specs as like many other government specs, call for all materials to be made in USA. That does not seem to be a great obstacle, until you attempt to locate fitting, fixtures and even gear with either domestic markings "Meaning made somewhere but not identifed as where" or not made is Mexico, China or Taiwan. It has truly been a learning experience for me, pointing out how little of our materials are of US manfacture. Fortunately it has not been both a learning and lossing experience.

Have a good day all!

Re: Made in USA Materials Limitations

Are there any manufacturers that make all of their stuff in the US, or do you have to pick and choose among many different ones. ie clamps from T&B, Sealtight fittings from Appleton, etc???

Used a lot of T&B steel EMT fittings on my last job, and was suprised that they stamped CHINA on all of them in huge letters. More prominent than the model no. on the ftting. These were top of the line from them, so there isn't a "better" ie made in usa fitting that they could upsell you on either.
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