Magnetic load?

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Senior Member
Master Electrician
This might be more of a Campfire Chat, or Education...

I have this horseshoe electromagnet and this battery.
The battery has its V/Ah specs on it. The magnet just recommends 6Vmax.
magnet calc.jpg

What measurements could I take to ensure this system operates BEFORE connecting it?

First obvious thought is to Ohm the leads of the windings, but [without dismantling] how do I know the turns or the quality of the iron?
Gauss meter? Spring scale?
230511-2058 EDT


First, assume the information you have is possibly OK.

Measure the DC resistance of the magnet coil. If there are two coils work with them in series.

Knowing the resistance calculate the power dissipation of the coil with 6 V applied. On a steady state basis the power dissipation can be calculated at 6 V. The power dissipation of an inductor will never exceed this steady state value during its charging period.

Knowing this power level make a judgement if this is reasonable level for the coil you have. It is possible to make judgement based on a prior infomation you have if you normally work with devices like this. If you lack this knowledge, then use copper wire resistance and its temperature rise with a lesser current, like 1/2, to measure an average temperature rise.

The force in an iron core magnet as you move the core parts closer together goes up very fast as you approach a closed core.

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