main breaker lock-out for generator

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Good Morning,

Does the NEC allow main breaker interlock for generator use?

The electrical supplies are starting to sell a device that installs on a main service panel and locks out the main service disconnect with a load breaker... only one can be on at a time... so that when a standby generator is on , the main service breaker is off..

ex: Siemens ECSBPK03

Thank You
As long as there is a mechanical interlock that prevents back-feeding to the utility there is no issue. However, there are some devices out there that do not have a listing by the manufacturer. You may have to provide proof to the EI that the device was manufactured by Siemens and listed for that specific use. There also has to be some means to lock the generator back-feed breaker into place.

BTW, I found that when using the Siemens interlock kit you cited, in order to install or remove the panel cover you'll have to turn off the main breaker. CH makes a replacement panel cover where the interlock device is riveted to the cover. Square D also makes an after market interlock kit.
As Goldstart stated the device needs to be listed. If you buy one on the Internet from one of those inter-lock companies they probably are not listed (read the fine print on their website). They may still work but it's unknown how well since they haven't been evaluated by a NTL. Here in NJ the unlisted ones should always get a red tag. I've used the Square D version on a Homeline panel and it's design and installation ease were both excellent.
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