Main hold down device

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Senior Member
Anyone know the article on main breaker hold down device for 60 amp sub panel.

I have seen the use of a large wire tie an wrap around the sub panel main 2 pole an the 2 pole sitting beside it so that it cant easily fall from it's position an its held in place.
Would a wire tie work ,

additional fastener that requires more than a pool to release the device.
OK but what if that panel is older an doesn't accept the hold down bracket , most have a taped threaded hole that the screw goes to from the bracket.
It would be up to the ahj. He could let you manufacture one or make you replace the panel.
Wouldn't that be a trip ,change the sub panel over a 15$ part.

I saw at he uses the wire tie set up with his kits it holds the 2 pole on the left an right together so that to remove either breaker you have to cut an remove the wire tie an he claims it's a listed way to do this.
Again the ALL MIGHTY AHJ is the one with the answers you seek. Look it as job security if you have to replace it.
That is for locking out the main breaker when you use a generator not a main breaker tie down or did I miss something?
I dont see that 1b tie wrap pic actually holds it to the bus like a hold down but 408.36(d) dosent require it to be secured to the bus. I think it boils down to using what is listed for panel per manufactures instructions.
No JW that's not the main it's connected to ,its a gen breaker an some other 2 pole breaker

What I see in the second pic could work if it was listed for use in the panel you have unless the ahj dosent accept it.

This manual provides instructions for safe installation of the InterLock Kit onto a
Square-D panel. The back plate sits securely on the face of the panel cover while
allowing the front plate to slide between the main and generator breaker positions. The
InterLock Kit will only allow one of these breakers to be in the ?ON? position meeting
the requirements of Article 702 of the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70. The
installation of the breaker retaining strap meets Article 408.36 (NEC 2008).
I could be wrong but I think that is listed for use with the breaker lock out kit. Do they sell the tie wrap by itself as a breaker tie down?
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