Main Lug panel replacement & 10FT tap rule

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Senior Member
Hello again Mikes forum.
I need to replace a main lug panel that is tapped off a very old 200A feeder fed from a fused disco. The tap appears to be old #2 copper probably type RHH.
My recollection of the 10' tap rule is that I don't need to land that tap on a main breaker and the ampacity of the panel needs to match the ampacity of the tap.
The MLO panel is 125A 3 phase in this case should I replace this tap with a #1?
I rather not get into that old gutter if I dont need to.
Any ideas? thanks
Disregard I think the rules 408 will require a main either way, so I need to return the MLO panel.
The panelboard needs protection, but if you had a 225 MLO panel and 200 amp protection that part is ok.

Next is conductor protection. 10 foot tap does not necessarily need to land at a single overcurrent device like for the other tap rules but read the conditions carefully.
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