Main panel replacement question

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Smart $

Esteemed Member
This is an offshoot of this thread.

First off, there are two main panels on this service. One serving 6 dwelling units and the other serving 2 units. They currently do not meet the 6-handle provision, as one is exterior and common to the 6-unit (sub-)structure, while the other is accessed inside one of the other two units. The current plan is to make the 2-unit main panel a subpanel of the other when it is replaced.

My first question here is concerning replacement of the current 6-unit panel and required outlets. Out of this panel there is currently only one branch circuit to each unit (altogether, three 20A and three 15A circuits; all appear to be run with #12 Cu).

Since these units have cooking provisions (gas stove), will it be required to run SABC circuits to each unit when the panel is replaced?
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