Main service disconnect

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have 800A main service disconnect with 800A fuses. Question does the ground bus in 800A main service disconnect already bonded to the service disco can by the manufacturer or do we have to provide separate bonding screw to bond ground bus bar to the service disconnect can? If we provide bonding screw then code says has to be UL listed for bonding?
I have 800A main service disconnect with 800A fuses. Question does the ground bus in 800A main service disconnect already bonded to the service disco can by the manufacturer or do we have to provide separate bonding screw to bond ground bus bar to the service disconnect can? If we provide bonding screw then code says has to be UL listed for bonding?

This question is hard to understand the way it is presented.

Are you asking "If" the ground buss is already bonded to the enclosure by the manufacturer do you have to provide a separate bonding screw in addition to that?
If so, does the screw you provide have to be UL listed for bonding?

My answer would be, if the Ground buss is already bonded to the enclosure by the manufacturer, there would be no need for any additional bonding by means of an additional screw.

But maybe I'm misunderstanding.

This question is hard to understand the way it is presented.

Are you asking "If" the ground buss is already bonded to the enclosure by the manufacturer do you have to provide a separate bonding screw in addition to that?
If so, does the screw you provide have to be UL listed for bonding?

My answer would be, if the Ground buss is already bonded to the enclosure by the manufacturer, there would be no need for any additional bonding by means of an additional screw.

But maybe I'm misunderstanding.


Its not about adding additional screw. Does the main service disco come with ground bus bonded to the can from manufacturer all the time or main service disco does not come with screw bonded to the can and we have to provide bonding screw to bond the ground bus to the main service disco can?
If it's suitable for use as a service disco, the enclosure needs to be bonded to the neutral. If it's suitable ONLY as a service disco, the bond will be permanent.
If this is a typical fusible safety switch it won't come with a neutral bar at all. It usually is an optional part you order as not all situations require a neutral bar. If you are using the switch as service equipment you order the correct neutral kit and bonding kit to be installed in the field.
I have neutral bar and ground bar in 800A fused service disco. The neutral bar is bonded to ground bar with wire. Now question is does ground bar need to have bonding screw to bond to service can or ground bus bar comes bonded to service can from manufacturer factory?
I have neutral bar and ground bar in 800A fused service disco. The neutral bar is bonded to ground bar with wire. Now question is does ground bar need to have bonding screw to bond to service can or ground bus bar comes bonded to service can from manufacturer factory?

No takers? No one knows above question?
Not sure what you're asking. The jumper between neutral and ground may be a wire. Ground bus to can may be mounting screws, as long as they;re threaded bolts and not sheet-metal screws.
OP can't not seem to understand answers given and as a reviewer for an AHJ should be able to ask the question so that it is understood, with that said I am closing this thread.

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