Main service disconnect

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Senior Member
Does anyone know where the code refernece is requiring a disconnect when the service entrance cable is further than 10 foot from the metercan to the panel? Thanks.
Does anyone know where the code refernece is requiring a disconnect when the service entrance cable is further than 10 foot from the metercan to the panel? Thanks.
The distance may be a local requirement but it is not an NEC requirement.
Look at art. 230.70(A)(1)
Around here 10' into the building and you'll get a red violation sticker which means you'll either move the panel closer or put the OCPD adjacent to the meter.
I see 230.91

That section deals with the service overcurrent protective device, which usually will be intragral with the service disconnecting means.

230.70(A)(1) is the requirement for the service disconnecting means to be located nearest the point of entrance on the service conductors.

Around here 10' into the building and you'll get a red violation sticker which means you'll either move the panel closer or put the OCPD adjacent to the meter.
Remember, you can also place the main disco inside, back-to-back with the meter, and still have the panel elsewhere.

Of course, in most cases, you'd probably put the panel there if a main disconnect could go there. I'm just sayin . . .
That is quite generous. In my area there is no "official" length that service conductors can run in side a building.


I looked this one up on our countys web under electrical interpretations
our chief elec inspector approved it
Go to code enforcement and electrical then the interpertations.
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