Main Service Meter Box Selection Help

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I have a 200 Amp service that enters at a well house. The service then divides in three and is delivered to the well, 50 feet to a shop, and 50 feet to a house. The house has a 200 Amp Panel and the shop has a 100 amp panel.

Is there an all in one Meter panel which can also accept at least three breakers; 200 Amp, 100 Amp, and 30 Amp?
Alternatively, I could locate a separate panel adjacent to the basic meter panel and that panel could have the 3 breakers indicated. I have not had any luck finding such as panel.....typically I see ones that can handle no more than 125 amp breakers.

My fall back solution is to run the the service to the 200 Amp panel in the house, then this panel would have a 100amp and 30 amp breaker that would feed back out to the well and shop. This solution is a pain as all the wire that exists to the house, shop and well house would need to be replaced because the added length requires an increased wire size for all. Plus it is all buried and would require a great deal of work to dig up and the conduit sizes used can accommodate this.

I am closing this thread, in accordance with the Forum rules. This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.

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