Maintain voltage between 208 and 230.

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Senior Member
Hello, Is there a way that I can maintain voltage going to a new printer between 208 and 230. The manufacturer of the printer is adamant about these parameters. The total load is 26amps and the voltage at the facility is 208. I believe a buck/boost transformer will take 208 up to 230 which will not give us any wiggle room. I was hoping to just boost the voltage to about 220.
Thanks for the great advice.
It is interesting that not all Buck Boost transformer manufacturers offer a 208 to 220 volt option.
Nothing special about a buck boost transformer.... you just need a 208 to 12 volt transformer of the correct kVA to go from 208 to 220.
Buck-boost transformers are conventional low voltage, single phase distribution transformers, with standard primary voltages
of 120, 240 or 480 volts, and secondary voltages of 12, 16, 24, 32 or 48 volts. They are available in sizes ranging from 50 VA to
10,000 VA. The primary and secondary are wired together to form a single-winding autotransformer. Utilizing the additive and subtractive polarity, small amounts of voltage are either added or subtracted from a distribution circuit.
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