Making Snow…

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New York
Need some input, I looked a new job today at a ski resort to run power up a ski slope to power up snow cannons
And a new large pump house with a new 480v 2k service ( easy part) I have done large water stations and sewer plants
Never did a ski resort before.
With a btw we need to be open by end of November (sure thing …$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
60 days to build all this inspect poco hook up ( lol to myself)
and yes this is a design and build job, when I asked who was the engineer i got that look

Job requires 14 new disconnets @ 54 amps 480volt with pin connections. No problem there
Rather than running separate pipes and wire to each , I was thinking of large feeders to a underground pull box make a tap
and jumping up each,i don’t have a distance yet on longest run for v drop.
This Setup would less time and labour , basically like an Rv park setup

Is there a demand factor table for a feeder I can use to each .
Any notes an advise, or do i run away now.
Update. we did it 14 cannons running by xmas , and pump house with 4 30 hp pumps, 2 magic carpets, 1 timeing building, 14 poles. & Lights, 5 200 amp 480 panels , 1 200amp 240 panel, and 1 2k generator to power pump house.
along with countless other repairs. Spring work to come 800 amp 480 upgrade, new 2k service for new ski trails lights and cannons , Still have the many small things on punch list yet, maybe an other month before we can slack off some
I think I may start to like snow now$$$$$$$$$$$¥$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
Update. we did it 14 cannons running by xmas , and pump house with 4 30 hp pumps, 2 magic carpets, 1 timeing building, 14 poles. & Lights, 5 200 amp 480 panels , 1 200amp 240 panel, and 1 2k generator to power pump house.
along with countless other repairs. Spring work to come 800 amp 480 upgrade, new 2k service for new ski trails lights and cannons , Still have the many small things on punch list yet, maybe an other month before we can slack off some
I think I may start to like snow now$$$$$$$$$$$¥$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
Any pictures?
Update. we did it 14 cannons running by xmas , and pump house with 4 30 hp pumps, 2 magic carpets, 1 timeing building, 14 poles. & Lights, 5 200 amp 480 panels , 1 200amp 240 panel, and 1 2k generator to power pump house.
along with countless other repairs. Spring work to come 800 amp 480 upgrade, new 2k service for new ski trails lights and cannons , Still have the many small things on punch list yet, maybe an other month before we can slack off some
I think I may start to like snow now$$$$$$$$$$$¥$$$$$$$$$$$$$,

Just curious, do know how to ski ?
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