Management and measurement of voltage harmonics on a constrained transmission network

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Good day

The shortfall of generation capacity and high penetration of renewables can lead to a change in the operation of the transmission network. One of the practices of managing a constrained transmission network is the introduction of capacitor banks for voltage and reactive power compensation. Renewable energy technology uses power electronics and as a result it has the potential to generate harmonics or increase existing levels of harmonics.

I would like to know the following:

1. What are the problems experienced on the network as a result of the shortfall in generation capacity?
2. What are network approaches to managing the capacity shortfall?
3. What is the operating practice at systems operation and transmission to support the network?
4. Are there measurement and management practices/guidelines for harmonics on the transmission and distribution networks?
5. How do renewable energy sources impact harmonics? Is there regulation & operational measurement practices that cater for harmonics generated by renewables?

On High Voltage and Extra High Voltage networks, Capacitor Voltage Transformers are used to measure harmonics. Commercial devices like Power Quality Current Sensors and Harmonics Monitoring Terminals have been developed to improve the measurement capabilities of Capacitive Voltage Transformers.

I would like to know the following:

1. How can harmonics be measured and managed to
a) meet local and international regulations and
b) not interfere with network operations
2. How are harmonics measured and managed at transmission level?

Your input and assistance will be highly appreciated

Kind regards
Thabiso Kgosiemang:angel::(
If you are an engineer, your list of questions is so detailed you need to go to IEEExplore and search for papers on each of these topics and problems, just to understand the scope of the problems. There are literally hundreds of papers specific to each of the questions asked.

If you want succinct specific answers, hiring a competent engineering FIRM (not just a single consultant) is what you need to do.

From what I've read of the deplorable state of the power system in S. Africa, you need to build a lot more power plants - of any type. There is no magic bullet.

Usually where there is coal, there is frackable NG, has SA even considered drilling for fracked NG? - many new power plants in USA use that source.
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