Manual Transfer switch grounding and bonding of other systems

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I have a bank that has asked for the installation of a service entrance rated manual transfer switch and portable generator connection point that will provide emergency back-up power. I will be installing the MTS after the meter. Currently the meter is approx. 150 feet from the service panel which is located inside an electrical room. Since I am installing a service entrance rated mts, i am planning on re-establishing the service grounding at the MTS and disconnecting the neutral/ground bond at the existing service panel. My question...what about bonding of other systems such as telephone and cable television. Does this have to move to the service ground at the mts or can it remain at the current connection at the panel even though the neutral/ground bond has been removed?
250.94 seems to say that you have to move it.

250.94 Bonding for Other Systems. An intersystem bonding
termination for connecting intersystem bonding conductors
required for other systems shall be provided external
to enclosures at the service equipment or metering
equipment enclosure and at the disconnecting means for
any additional buildings or structures.
Does this MTS have a main breaker built in? If not you'll need a main breaker after the meter.

You should provide a new intersystem bonding connection at the new main breaker location, doesn't mean it needs to be used, just needs to be provided.

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