We intend to install a SERVICE RATED MANUAL XFER SWT to accommodate a trailer mounted 100Kw 480v 3Ph generator, which will be an OPTIONAL STANDBY SYSTEM.
Would the 2008 NEC permit the use of an 800 A xfer switch mounted between the service entrance conductors and the MDP (which is protected by a 400 A Main Brk). The S.E. conductors are rated for 400 A as well.
Since the Generator and Main Service are both protected by the properly sized O.C. device, we are questioning weather the Xfer Switch must have O.C. protection at all, so long as it's components are S.E. rated and of sufficient size to handle the connected load?
Would the 2008 NEC permit the use of an 800 A xfer switch mounted between the service entrance conductors and the MDP (which is protected by a 400 A Main Brk). The S.E. conductors are rated for 400 A as well.
Since the Generator and Main Service are both protected by the properly sized O.C. device, we are questioning weather the Xfer Switch must have O.C. protection at all, so long as it's components are S.E. rated and of sufficient size to handle the connected load?