Manufacturers cut sheet specs.

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Senior Member
I have a cut sheet for an electric pool heater, it says 50A CB and #8 cu wire for branch circuit. I do not have the actual total nameplate load for the unit in front of me. If in fact the total load is 50A, won't I need to install it on a 60A CB w/#6 wire per NEC.If the total nameplate load is 40A, then the #8 and 50A CB would be ok, am I figuring this correctly? Thanks.
I was wrong, I figured this had to be 125% of the full load. That is required in a State code for residential dwellings, I see the NEC does not have that requirement.
Nizak, be careful a #8 is good for 50 amps at 75C. If this is an NM cable then you have to use #6 for 50 amps. Also check the specs as they may also demand a full size EGC. Most of the few that I have done recently call for a full size egc.
Now, Now, One thinks that we clear up a subject matter and it jumps you and Bites again.
We had the posts all (last week) over NM and Pool Equipment... :grin:

All of the principles, need to be meet...NM is not allowed.
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