Maple Systems HMI5103L setup

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I need to set the IP address on a Maple Systems HMI5103L. This is the first time I have worked on one of these. The documentation describes an arrow button in the lower right-had corner of the screen used for accessing the setup screens. It says the visibility of this arrow can be enabled and disabled using either dip switches or jumpers on the back of the unit, but this one does not have either. Was the documentation I read out of date? Is there another way to access the setup screen, or is there a way to set the IP address through EBPro? Thanks!
I'm assuming this is a touch screen. It sounds as if the 'button' is a touch-sensitive spot, and may be enabled at all times, with the arrow only being visible depending on the dip/jumper settings. If you touch that spot does a service screen appear?
I found this link to a setup document:
It's a PDF that includes some wiring diagrams for the panel.
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