Marina Wiring

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Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
I discovered something concerning wiring methods at a marina that many of you many have been well aware, but, it caught me and some other area inspectors by surprise.
I had inspected a few marinas and, after reading 551.13(A) allowed any Chapter 3 wiring method approved for wet locations. A very sharp engineer in our area called 551.13(B)(5) to my attention shooting down my approval LFNC. I had overlooked that section misreading it as a continuation of portable power cables.
I bring it up here so other might avoid having to clean the egg off their face as I have.
Gus, nit pick time:

Marinas are article 555.:)

I actually commented to a friend on a similar install earlier this year that LFNC would not be legal and was told that his inspector said it was fine.

Never understood the ruling myself.:?
Here in Washington state, we have what's called a "WAC" rule that overrules the NEC. In this section it says, "WAC 296-46B-555 (7) (d) For the purposes of NEC 555.13 (B)(5), the wiring methods of Chapter 3 NEC will be permitted."

So I guess here, you would have been fine. What exactly are they referring to in 555.13(B)(5)? It's a VERY convoluted, confusing paragraph!
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