Marine grounding

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New User
Oakley Ca
Industrial electrician
I have come across marine pedestals supplying shore power that have all the proper grounding into the pedestal but then do not include the ground to the (L5-30R) receptacle. This seems to be very common in my area and I am racking my mind as to why marina owners would do this. Is there something I am missing.

Are the pedistals listed? How is the receptical mounted, perhaps with a star washer between the yoke and panel for bonding (grounding is an incorrect term for this question)
There is no wire landed on the ground screw of the outlet. Yes it makes the connection using the metal housing of the outlet. Now I will check my code book to see if that is acceptable. Thank you for the help.
Jeff S.
And if its a listed marine pedestal, that listing should suffice, however the NEC has some language on this issue.
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